Sunday, September 7, 2014

Humane Officer Tries to Claim Llamas Need to be Seized

Humane officers have tried to claim llamas just north of Sacramento need to be seized for "abuse" because they need grooming, fleece removing, or other terms used to trim the coat. Elderly llamas
are not normally sheared down heavily at the wrong time of the year since their coat
may not return properly.  A well known veterinarian will be out to inspect the critters
and the Humane officers will not be allowed entrance to the property, even though they
(humane officers) already took pictures of the animals.

Update: Apparently, the "humane officer" that is bent on creating problems for llama owner took even more action recently, and has attempted to get authority to search the residence premises.
We will update when we find out what transpired. {NOTE: the "humane officer" in question here, is now being sued in Eastern District Federal Court on many counts, due to fact that such "officer" purposely worked with various employees employed by the city/or county,etc. and proceeded to ignore the correct California Penal Code law (PC 597 and 597.1) when they illegally seized in Plaqcer Couty,  animals/personal possessions, failed to engage due process; then hired well known animal attorney from San Francisco who told Judge that it was the Legislature's fault that PC 597.1 had flaws [ that the owners did not get any due process]...What is ridiculous, is that this SAME attorney wrote that law and has continued to try and further add to that law in the legislature, year after year. Trust us, the law is one of the worse ever written, just made worse and worse year after year. That same attorney has also written the case text book used to teach animal law in California.
He may know animal law, but he definitely knows little to nothing about due process.]

The person owning the llamas has many many years of experience with llamas and they
are not the same as shearing sheep. We seriously doubt any humane officer is going to know
more about trimming or shearing than the llama owner in question. Typical animal rights
humane officer trying to get a "bust" as usual.

The result--- owner followed protocol, vet consulted, a few things done, animals viewed, everything was fine.
see cute pics of other llamas at link.

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